Modern and Contemporary
Gonzalo Luis Pinlla
Public Aesthetics and Collective Studio Practices in South America 1960s–1980
Adviser: Oscar VázquezAntonio Sanchez Gomez
Diógenes A. Reyes’s Silhouette Biography: Print Culture and the Politics of Technology, Distance, Mediation, and Things Left Unsaid in the Transregional and Transnational History of the Colombian Caribbean (1898-1920)
Adviser: Catherine WhalenLuisa Valle
The Beehive, the Favela, the Mangrove, and the Castle: Race and Modern Architecture in Rio de Janeiro, 1885 to 1945
Adviser: Marta GutmanGwen Unger
Other Selves: Critical Self-Portraiture in Cuba during the ‘Special Period in time of Peace,’ 1989-1999
Advisers: Alexander AlberroBenjamin Murphy
Fieldwork: Problems of Observation in Latin American Video
Adviser: Irene SmallMaeve Coudrelle
The Imprint of Pan-Americanism: Chilean Graphic Biennials, 1963-1970
Adviser: Mariola AlvarezNicholas Fitch
Non hanno capito niente’: Figuration and Narrative in the Post-1968 Work of Clorindo Testa
Advisers: Branden Joseph