Open Rank and Assistant Professor Positions, USC Department of Art History

  • Deadline: Nov 1, 2024
  • Los Angeles, CA

Applications are now open for two full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty positions in the Department of Art History at the University of Southern California.

The Department of Art History at the University of Southern California invites applications for two full-time, tenure-track positions in Modern Art and Visual Culture, one Open Rank and the other at the rank of Assistant Professor.


For both, the department is looking for applicants with a strong research profile and welcome applications across a range of research methodologies and areas working on Modern Art and Visual Culture from 1750-present.

Applicants must have a commitment to effective teaching and mentoring at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The PhD must be in hand by start date.

How to apply

Applications should include:

  • a brief cover letter describing research and teaching interests (no more than 3 pages);
  • a curriculum vitae;
  • and a writing sample of no more than 30 pages.

In order to be considered for this position, applicants are required to submit an electronic USC application.

Applicants for the Open Rank position in Modern Art and Visual Culture should list 3 references. Apply now.

Applicants for the Assistant Professor position in Modern Art and Visual Culture should submit 3 letters of recommendation. Apply now.

Further materials may be requested at a later date. Applications, addressed to Suzanne Hudson as the chair of the Search Committee, must be received by November 1, 2024.