Conference on convents and monasteries
The Universidad de Murcia invites contributions for its upcoming conference, I Jornadas nacionales arte y patrimonio mueble en las diócesis del sureste español: Conventos y monasterios ante los conflictos del mundo contemporáneo, which will take place June 30–July 1, 2022.
The conference aims to present the latest research on the analysis and interpretation of religious heritage (painting, sculpture, altarpiece and furniture, decorative arts, etc.) that form part of the territorial contexts of the diocese of the Spanish southeast – specifically those of Cartagena, Albacete, Almería, Guadix and Orihuela-Alicante – and address the artistic exchanges among these territories, as well as the relationships that, through their institutions, promoters and patrons, were maintained with other Spanish geographical areas and with European artistic centers, mainly Italy.