New Voices in Iberian Global Art History

  • Deadline: Jul 15, 2024
  • Boston, MA

This sponsored session at the annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America in Boston (March, 2025) is organized by Lisandra Estevez from Winston-Salem State University and is aimed at emerging scholars.

This session, sponsored by the Southeastern Renaissance Conference, aims to initiate a forum for new scholars (recent PhDs or PhD candidates) to present their current research. The intention is to provide emerging scholars with a collegial and supportive setting to discuss their work at an international conference.

Proposals on any aspect of Iberian global art (1300-1700) are welcome. Scholarship focused on new methodologies and emerging areas of study that include expanded geographies or original approaches to more conventional aspects of Iberian art history is of particular interest.

How to submit

Paper proposals must include:

  • Full name, current affiliation, and email address
  • Paper title (15-word maximum)
  • Paper abstract (150-word maximum)
  • 1-page, non-narrative CV (.pdf or .doc upload)
  • PhD degree completion year (past or expected)

Please send all materials to [email protected] by July 15th, 2024. The organizer will notify applicants of their status on July 20th. By July 30th, those accepted will confirm and join RSA if they are not already members. Note that scholars whose proposals are accepted for this SRC-RSA-sponsored session will receive a free one-year membership in the SRC.

When accepted, panelists will be expected to send their papers and PowerPoints to the organizer before the conference (by February 15th, 2025).

Per RSA guidelines, participants can only give one paper at the RSA conference. Speakers must become RSA members and register for the conference to speak at the conference.

Conference proposals must abide by the word limits and include all parts of the submission requirements. Papers are a maximum of 15 to 20 minutes long (approx. 7-9 pages double-spaced, 12 pt font).