Spanish History Conference: Identity, State and Society in Modern Spain

  • Deadline: Jun 30, 2022
  • Canterbury, UK and Online

Researchers in history, politics, international relations, languages and cultural studies are invited to send proposals for the Edinburgh-Kent conference on Spanish identities C.1800-2000, to be held in Canterbury UK on September 10-11, 2022.

The Modern Spanish History Doctoral Seminars team is organizing a conference in Canterbury with the aim of continuing to foster connections and exchanges between doctoral researchers of modern Spain across the world. The conference will also include several online papers. The event, which counts on the support of both the School of History, Classics, and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh and the School of History at the University of Kent, will examine the interactions between identity, state, and society in Spain since 1800.

Proposals for twenty-minute papers from doctoral students or early-career researchers based in any discipline are welcomed. Papers must address the key theme of “identity,” including –but not limited to– those of nationality, social class, political affiliation, and gender and can be delivered in English or Spanish.

Submit 300-500 word abstracts, a brief biography, and institutional affiliation to [email protected] by June 30, 2022.