The Feminist Turn in the Study of Visual Sources

  • Deadline: Apr 29, 2024
  • Madrid, Spain

In Madrid in October 2024, the AEIHM will celebrate its XXII International Colloquium dedicated to the study of the impact of feminist theory on the historiography of art and visual studies.

The colloquium aims to explore the crucial contributions made by feminist theory over the last fifty years to the study of “visual images” (Mitchell, 2019) of every kind. More than merely revealing the participation of women in artistic culture over the centuries —as makers, patrons and active subjects— feminism questioned the very foundations of the pioneering discipline in the study of images, the History of Art.

The organizers believe that it is still important to discuss collectively these contributions, which in many cases remain unknown and whose full assimilation into the academic disciplines of artistic and visual studies is long overdue.

Visit the colloquium’s website for more information, a provisional program, and the application to upload short papers.

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