SIGA briefs

10/14/2022 Publication

Julie A. Harris: Marking Segulah in the Illuminated Bibles of Jewish Iberia

Julie A. Harris has published “Marking Segulah in the Illuminated Bibles of Jewish Iberia”, Medieval Encounters 28:2 (2022): 148-179.

10/13/2022 Publication

Paula Fayos-Perez and Francesco Gatta: Dos paisajes del Buen Retiro en la colección Wellington

Paula Fayos-Perez and Francesco Gatta have published “Dos paisajes del Buen Retiro en la colección Wellington: nuevas atribuciones a Francisco Collantes y al desconocido Acevedo,” Boletín del Museo del Prado, no. 58, 2022.

10/1/2022 Award

Olga Bush awarded 2023 ICMA-Samuel H. Kress Foundation Research and Publication Grant

Olga Bush was awarded the 2023 ICMA-Samuel H. Kress Foundation Research and Publication Grant to support on-site research in Spain and Sicily for her project entitled “Forced Labor: Exotic Fauna in the Animation of Medieval Court Environments.”

9/18/2022 Publication

Giles Knox: Velázquez's King Philip IV of Spain from The Frick Collection

Giles Knox has authored a monograph on Velázquez’s King Philip IV of Spain from the Frick Collection published in conjunction with the Meadows Museum’s Masterpiece-in-Residence exhibition.

9/15/2022 People

Ronda Kasl appointed Scholar in Practice

Ronda Kasl has been appointed Scholar in Practice on Columbia University’s Committee on Global Thought, a multidisciplinary forum established to advance understanding of global issues and challenges.

9/15/2022 People

Adam Jasienski named Berenson Fellow and Thoma Fellow

Adam Jasienski has been named the Berenson Fellow at Villa I Tatti as well as the Marilynn Thoma Fellow in Art of the Spanish Americas.

9/14/2022 Publication

Annemarie Jordan Gschwend: On Francisco de Holanda

Annemarie Jordan Gschwend has recently published the essay “On Francisco de Holanda, the Queen of Portugal and the Parma Miniatures” in Parma: crocevia di cultura in Europa. Atti del convegno (Parma, 2022), pp. 43-53.

9/10/2022 Publication

Carmen Ripollés: Reframing Art History

Carmen Ripollés has published two chapters for the open-access multimedia Smarthistory textbook Reframing Art History: “The sacred baroque in the Catholic world” and “Secular matters of the global baroque.”