SIGA briefs
Jesse Locker: La suavidad de Artemisa
Jesse Locker has recently published “’La suavidad de Artemisa’: reflexiones sobre la recepción de Artemisia Gentileschi en España” Boletín del Museo del Prado 58 (Fall 2022). An English translation of the article text, without illustrations, is accessible here.
Carmen Ripollés: Flores (y frutos) de otros mundos
Carmen Ripollés has published a thematic itinerary about the collections of the Banco de España entitled “Flores (y frutos) de otros mundos.”
Tara Zanardi: Between Art and Nature
Tara Zanardi has published “Between Art and Nature: The Dauphin’s Treasure at the Royal Cabinet of Natural History in Madrid,” in Material Cultures of the Global Eighteenth Century: Art, Mobility, and Change, eds. Wendy Bellion and Kristel Smentek (Bloomsbury Press, 2023).
Amanda Dotseth named Director of the Meadows Museum
SMU has named Amanda W. Dotseth Linda P. and William A. Custard Director of the Meadows Museum. Dotseth, who will be the first female director of the Meadows Museum, served as the director ad interim and curator of the Museum since the passing of its previous director, Mark A. Roglán, in 2021. Dotseth assumes the role March 1, 2023.
Felipe Pereda: Fernando Zóbel
Felipe Pereda has published Zóbel Reads Lorca: Poetry, Painting, and Perlimplín in Love (Swan Isle Press: 2022) in conjunction with the exhibition he curated at the Prado, Zóbel. The Future of the Past (2022-2023). The book presents Fernando Zóbel’s illustrated and previously unpublished translation of García Lorca’s “Don Perlimplín in Love,” along with three studies by Christopher Maurer, Luis Fernández-Cifuentes, and Felipe Pereda, covering the early years of Zobel in Cambridge (1946-50), his discovery of modern and ancient art and literature, and the state of Hispanism at Harvard in the 1940s.
Luis Javier Cuesta appointed Council Member for SCSC
Luis Javier Cuesta has been appointed as a Council Member for the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference, class of 2025
M. Cruz de Carlos: Reginalidad y retrato & Luisa Roldán
María Cruz de Carlos has published “Reginalidad y retrato en las cortes de Felipe III y Felipe IV” in Anima. Pintar el rostro y el alma (Valencia: Ediciones Trea-Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia, 2022), pp. 213-66 as well as “Luisa Roldán ‘escultora eminente’. Identidad y autoconstrucción artística en la corte hispánica de la Edad Moderna,” in José Riello y Fernando Marías (eds.), Antes y después de Antonio Palomino. Historiografía artística e identidad nacional (Madrid: Abada, 2022), 389-409.
Gschwend, Gamito, and Baptista: On Portraiture. Theory, Practice and Fiction
Annemarie Jordan Gschwend, Maria João Gamito and Fernando António Baptista Pereira have edited the conference proceedings from On Portraiture. Theory, Practice and Fiction. From Francisco de Holanda to Susan Sontag (Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas Artes, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Universidade de Lisboa, 2022).