SIGA briefs
Olga Bush: The Textility of the Alhambra
Olga Bush has published “The Textility of the Alhambra,” in Didem Ekici, Patricia Blessing and Basile C. Baudez (eds.), Textile in Architecture. From the Middle Ages to Modernism (New York: Routledge, 2023), 138-155.
Jesús Escobar named Center for Spain in America Fellow
Jesús Escobar is the Center for Spain in America Fellow at The Clark Art Institute for Fall 2023. His research will be focused on “Architecture and Experience in the Seventeenth-Century World.”
Cloe Cavero de Carondelet: A Copperplate of the Dominican Martyrs of Japan
Cloe Cavero de Carondelet has published “A Copperplate of the Dominican Martyrs of Japan Reused by Murillo” in Print Quarterly, vol. XL, no. 3 (2023), 251-264, an article that places this little-known image as part of the global missionary aspirations of the Dominican order.
Anthony Meyer appointed Fellow at Dumbarton Oaks
Anthony Meyer has been appointed a Fellow in Pre-Columbian Studies at Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection for 2023-24.
Anthony Meyer: Stony Bundles and Precious Wrappings
Anthony Meyer has published the chapter “Stony Bundles and Precious Wrappings: The Making of Patio Crosses in Sixteenth-Century New Spain” as part of the edited volume Conversion Machines in Early Modern Europe: Apparatus, Artifice, Body (June 2023).
Jeremy Roe translates Eduardo Manzano Moreno
Jeremy Roe’s translation of Eduardo Manzano Moreno,The Court of the Caliphate of al-Andalus: Four Years in Umayyad Córdoba, has recently been published by Edinburgh Univeristy Press. Originally published in Spanish, this book draws on a rich range of sources to provide a fascinating social-historical analysis of diverse aspects of Umayyad Córdoba, including art, architecture, and visual and material culture more broadly.
Adam Jasienski: Praying to Portraits
Adam Jasienski has published Praying to Portraits: Audience, Identity, and the Inquisition in the Early Modern Hispanic World with Penn State University Press.
Laura Fernández-González awarded Society of Antiquaries Grant
Laura Fernández-González (University of Lincoln, UK) has been awarded a research grant by the Society of Antiquaries–London for her Emilio Harth-Terré project (1899-1983). Harth-Terré was a prominent Peruvian architect, critic, and art and architectural historian, whose contribution to the development of a Peruvian artistic and architectural identity was monumental in his period. For this pilot project, Laura will explore Harth-Terré’s collection of drawings, plans, photographs, and correspondence kept in the Library at the University of Lima and the Latin American Library at Tulane University.